Prophet Cooking for Shaykh Rashid Gangohi!


 Shaykh Gangohi was one of the founder of Deobandi sect .

One day Ala Hazrat ( Deobandis use this term of Haji Imdadullah Makki Rh) had a drem that his brothers wife ( bhawaj) is cooking food for his (Imdadullah Makki’s) guest and prophet ( Rasul Allah , Sal allahu alaihi wa sallam ) arrives there and said’ Get up from here , You are not worth to cook food for the guests of Imdadullah. His guest are scholars and I am going to cook food for his guests”. This dream of Ala Hazrat ( Haji Imdadullah Rh) came true on Mawlana Rashid Gangohi , as he was the first scholar who gave “ bayyah” on the hands of Ala Hazrat ( Haji Imdadullah Rh).

( Tazkiraturrashid , Biography of Mawlana Rashid Gangohi , vol 1 , page 75 ( new edition)


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